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Independence Day Reflections

Independence Day Reflections

I am writing this on the 4th of July. Independence Day as our American friends call it.  According to the US nationalist mythology, something all successful societies indulge in, a plucky band of freedom-loving colonists threw off the yoke of British tyranny to create a democracy serving the people. The truth, as ever, is somewhat murkier. It has been said that revolutions involve the middle class using the lower class to take out the upper class, so the middle can move up a rung. It is certainly true that the American revolution was a very conservative one; driven by wealthy land-owning families who saw greater individual advantage in running the country themselves.  

February 2022 letter from JANZ's president

February 2022 letter from JANZ's president

Welcome back to work. The summer has been so kind to us with long, hot, delicious days of family time. JANZ even managed to squeeze in a Wellington club welcome for our newest judges before the big ‘O’ nipped at our heels, and Charles Blackie hung up his robes for the last time. The Chinese New Year of the Tiger has been rung in with dragon dances and drums. The year is ripe with the promise of new and better things to come for our members.

The bleak future for musicians in Afghanistan

The bleak future for musicians in Afghanistan

I had the pleasure of hearing the school’s inspirational all-female orchestra, called Zohra after the Persian goddess of music. It was conducted by an accomplished musical director who was once an orphan girl and child beggar on the streets of Kabul. Zohra played at the 2017 World Economic Summit at Davos in Switzerland. Do yourself a favour and listen to these clips:

Criticism in the context of an independent judiciary

Criticism in the context of an independent judiciary

During her term as Attorney-General, Margaret Wilson reminded all members of parliament (MPs) of their responsibility to demonstrate restraint and respect when commenting on judges or the courts. Her caution is worth repeating in light of the recent ignorant criticism of two judges in the press and on social media. Her wise words, while directed at politicians, are of equal importance to the fourth estate and the virtue signalling mob that follows them.

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