About us

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā mātāwaka puta noa i te motu, ā, puta noa i te ao, nau mai, haere mai. Ko Te Hunga Kaiwhakawā o Aotearoa tēnei e mihi maioha nei ki a koutou. Nei rā tā mātou tūtohinga hei pānui kōrero, hei whakaarotanga hoki, mā koutou. 

Our Mission

Connect the Judiciary and their families in an association for mutual support and collegiality and to preserve, maintain and improve the independence and quality of the Judiciary in New Zealand and internationally.

The purpose of JANZ

The main purpose of the Association is to:

  1. Connect the Judiciary and their families in an association for mutual support and collegiality; and

  2. To preserve, maintain and improve the independence and quality of the Judiciary in New Zealand and internationally

In doing so, we seek to support the Heads of Bench; maintain membership of the International Judges associations encourage Judicial independence and promote welfare, wellness and pastoral care of Judges and their families.

The Judges Association of New Zealand

The Judges Association of New Zealand was founded after mandate from the Judges at a Triennial Conference in Rotorua in 2017. The Association was incorporated on 1 October 2018. In September 2019, JANZ was made a member of the International Judges Association. As of the 2024 AGM, the executive committee members are:

 Judge Noel Sainsbury – President

Coroner Mark Wilton – Secretary / Treasurer

Justice Joe Williams

Justice Layne Harvey

Judge Paul Geoghegan

Judge Jenny Binns

Judge Raoul Neave

Judge Russell Collins

Judge Christina Cook

Judge Gene Tomlinson

Judge Tony Greig

Judge Bill Hastings

Community Magistrate Philippa King

Zita Thomas

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