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Book now: live Zoom training webinars

Despite New Zealand gradually moving out of lockdown, many of us are still working from home (or from a distance) for the foreseeable future. This means lots of time to finally figure out exactly how it is that Zoom works.

To help with this, Zoom has helpfully pulled together a series of live training webinars that take place daily. Each session is free, and to attend all you need to do is register for a time that suits you. Some of the sessions are at 6am New Zealand time, so get your early morning coffee ready and get learning. 

Note: all sessions also have a recorded option available, but if you want to interact with your trainer or ask questions at the end, we’ve listed some training times below.

Getting Started with Zoom Meetings

This training is only half an hour and will give you all the basics, including setting up a meeting, inviting others, and host controls. Recommended to anyone who has yet to find the mute button!

Zoom Meetings

Once you’ve graduated from “finding out how to mute yourself” (and the other useful things the Getting Started training provides), you should check out this one-hour training that takes you beyond the Zoom basics. This one is intended for intermediate users.

Zoom Webinars

Moving beyond the standard meeting use of Zoom, you can also use this tool to hold a great webinar! This one-hour training will include information on best practice for webinars, customisation, how to manage registration, and branding. This is intended for intermediate users.

Zoom Rooms

If you’re pining for the days of taking a conversation into the conference room, Zoom has just the thing for you. The one-hour Zoom Rooms training is focused on Zoom’s hardware that will suit any conference room and enable a return to those meetings while maintaining physical distance.

Zoom Administrator

If you’re responsible for managing the Zoom account for your workplace (or even just yourself), this one-hour session will take you through all of the administrative features that help you operate. It will cover user deployment, reports, user roles, and an in-depth review of the Zoom administrator portal.

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