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Ar'rest'ing article

Ar'rest'ing article

Rest has never been a negative concept, especially when it comes to top performers who have earned a break. For athletes training at the highest intensity, giving their all requires recovery before the next challenge. The mantra was clear: “Training should be harder than the game.” In fact, the game was meant to be the easiest part of the week. For some players, though, rest was the hardest part—they were addicted to work, and this obsession sometimes got in the way.

The 7 workout exercises Malcolm and Rebecca won't do without

The 7 workout exercises Malcolm and Rebecca won't do without

Fitness trends come and go, but not all workouts are created equal. No one appreciates this more than fitness gurus and coaches Malcolm and Rebecca, who know which exercises target key muscles, keep your bones healthy as you age, and improve your heart health. Each exercise can be done at home, and most require minimal equipment. And don’t worry — only one of them is a burpee.

Bench press: the strength of the judiciary

Bench press: the strength of the judiciary

Malcolm and Rebecca round out the year with a practical guide to increasing our strength. I can tell you, this absolutely works! Why? Before, and then after my total knee replacement on 1 November, I entered their strength training programme and I'm a convert. It’s simple and it works! Thanks to them, while I’m not exactly bending it like Beckham yet, I soon will be!! 

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