Arthur Tompkins recently participated and completed the Kathmandu Coast to Coast challenge from Kumara Beach (South Island). He recounts the experience, exhaustion, and achievement.
The new way to beat middle-age spread
Are judges fit for practice: mobility
While Judges have all the risks of sickness and injury like every other New Zealander, there are additional risks for judges as Malcolm’s first article discussed. In this edition, Malcolm pleads that there’s more we can do to improve performance before prematurely appearing before Mother Nature’s guaranteed end game of pain and joint surgery.
Stop sitting in pain
Are judges fit for practice
Just as we applaud the All Blacks for being actively expansive, fair, and achieving great results professionally, we also applaud our judges for the same attributes. However, judges are not expansively active, rather they’re often selectively sedentary. They select the active use of their brain but their body is often ignored.