Dear colleagues,
On 6 June 2020, the IAJ president, Tony Pagone, in the framework of the meeting of the IAJ presidency committee, issued an official statement on the proceedings against the Polish judge Tuleya. The statement of the president of the International Association of Judges is unanimously supported by IAJ’s presidency committee composed by President Pagone, First Vice President José Igreja Matos (Portugal), as well as by Vice Presidents Djamel Aidouni (Algeria), Rafael De Menezes (Brazil), Allyson Duncan (U.S.A.), Duro Sessa (Croatia), Mikael Sjoberg (Danmark), and Honorary President Christophe Régnard (France), as well as Secretary-General Giacomo Oberto (Italy). The text of the statement is available also in other languages. So far, it has been translated in Italian, Polish, and Portuguese. Other versions will follow.
It would be also important that all the member associations spread and publicise the statement.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Best regards,
Giacomo Oberto
Secretary-General of the IAJ