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The situation in Afghanistan

Via this web page, we will keep you up to date with new information and activity surrounding the situation in Afghanistan.

Media release from the Office of the Chief Justice regarding Afghani women judges

A note from IAJ

Dear Colleagues, 

Please find here enclosed also a statement on Afghanistan (in English and French) of the President of the ANAO group, Ms Duncan, to your attention.

Best regards

The IAJ General Secretariat

A note from NZAWJ:

Kia ora wāhine mā


You will be aware of the tragic loss of life overnight in the area close to Kabul airport.  The risks for the Afghan women judges are increasing daily.  Over this week the IAWJ has kept an online vigil with women judges around the world taking shifts to share information and help Afghan women judges find safe houses.  Women judges and their families are on reprisal lists and have received direct threats to their lives.  Following the assassination in January this year of two women judges, the Hon. Fazia Herawi and the Hon. Quadria Yashini , the Afghan women judges have received death threats and are being targeted.  Read here an interview in the Sydney Morning Herald with Judge Robyn Tupman, Secretary of IAWJ, describing the danger that the judges are in:

What you can do to help

You can help by making a donation, however small, to the emergency fund for Afghan Women Judges through NZAWJ.  This fund will be managed together with IAWJ, with Susan Glazebrook as president, to help those who are evacuated and those who remain. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated already. Please continue to pass this on to brother and sister judges and lawyers who wish to help.

The bank account details are: 01-1823-0020621

Account name: NZAWJ 

Please provide reference : Afghan

We can feel paralysed from a distance but your support will make a difference to these courageous women and their families.

Aroha atu ki a koutou, 

Mary O’Dwyer,

President NZAWJ 

Nicky Mathers,

IAWJ Asia/Pacific Regional Director

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