The Judge’s Association of New Zealand (JANZ) was formed with the generous support of founding members and incorporated.
Its purpose was to have a single representative association for the Judges of New Zealand, to promote the independence of the Judiciary and support the wellbeing of Judges and our families’. A copy of the constitution can be found on our website:
There are currently some 80 members, most of these joining at the time the association was launched. The association is now open for general membership and we are seeking support from all Benches to ensure the ongoing success of the association and the achievement of its objectives.
Since the formation of the association, we have been focussed upon gaining membership of the International Association of Judges. This association was formed in 1952 and strongly shares our objectives for judicial independence and collegiality. This is a time of tremendous challenge for judges and our role in society. Our remoteness does not exclude us from these challenges.
We were unanimously accepted as a member of the association and the 62nd Conference in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan in October 2019. A copy of the general report of the International Association is available at the IAJ website:
I suggest because of this that there could be no more important time to have the collegiality and strength of an association for the Judiciary of New Zealand to maintain this cornerstone of our democratic system. Your membership provides:
The ability to assist our Heads of Bench with a collegial voice on things that matter and must endure. It provides a way to practically support challenges in the international arena relating to the independence of the Judiciary;
Importantly with greater financial provision and cooperative action we might better support each other and our families in a more complete way.
2020 will be a busy year for JANZ.
Our website will launch on the 31st January providing practical information, updates, conference news, wellness support and member benefits
The first AGM will be held in late February
The first regional meeting of our IAJ grouping will be held in Washington DC in May.
The next IAJ conference is to be held from 26 September to 1 October in San Jose, Costa Rica. We are entitled to send four delegates. There is also the capacity for other members to attend at relatively nominal cost as observers. Any person that would be interested attending the conference. Let us know.
The Australian Judges association will have their joint meeting with us here in Auckland 7-10 October 2020. We hope this will be the first of many trans -Tasman exchanges.
Concessionary arrangements for members with our insurers, fund managers, The ANZ bank and our travel agents “Fine Travel” are now agreed. Broader concessions are under negotiation.
We encourage you to join the association. Please apply by email to Claire Ryan providing category, name, status, email and mobile number, we will confirm membership upon payment of the annual subscription.
A full membership to March 2021 is merely $150p.a. existing members of the New Zealand Women’s Judges Association pay only $80.00 p.a. as do our retired brothers and sisters. All the money raised by subscription is used to administer and benefit the society. No members’ personal expenses are reimbursed.
I look forward to seeing you as a member of the association.
Nga mihi nui,
Judge Jeff Smith
Interim President J.A.N.Z.
Te Hunga Kaiwhakawā o Aotearoa
Judges Association of New Zealand (Inc)