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June 2020 letter from JANZ president

Our regional group of the International Association of Judges is called the Asian, North American, and Oceanian Group of the International Association of Judges (ANAO). We meet annually and were due to gather in Washington DC this May. Apart from the core regional and international work of our association, the conference was themed. This year we were to consider the law and emerging trends in science and technology. However, the pandemic postponed that very relevant topic. 

COVID-19 gave us much to consider at our replacement Zoom meeting when 47 ANAO members convened for that audio-visual link. It was fascinating to hear of the experiences of judges from such a diverse mix of countries. This included Australia, Bermuda, Canada, East Timor, Georgia, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia, Puerto Rico, Republic of China (Taiwan), the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. There was a determination to gather good from this extraordinary time and learn best approaches from each other as we plan for other events that may yet come upon us. 

JANZ reported that while in these difficult times the complex business of our courts was curtailed, nonetheless the judiciary ensured proceedings affecting the liberty or safety of individuals was prioritised. We commented on the excellent leadership from our chief justice and heads of bench. We accentuated the potential our COVID-19 experience has given to improve what we do and so better serve our communities. Finally, we commented on the remarkable care judges took of each other and our whānau as we worked hard and safely in our essential service.

Guided by a simple 12-question format, all countries have been busily preparing answers and reports on national approaches to the obvious COVID-19 justice challenges. Justices Forrie Miller and Ellen France together with Judges Noel Cocurullo, Jenny Binns, Layne Harvey, Jeff Smith, and Allan Goodwin have generously contributed to our report. You will find it here. 

JANZ is very grateful to Dr Robin Griffiths for his clear and practical advice to judges and our families as we took on responsibilities to sit safely at levels 4 and 3. Robin has reminded me that the effects of the last six weeks on mental health and wellbeing are an ordinary consequence of going through the stress and disruption brought on by these challenging times. It is a reminder that while we still need to take care of our hygiene and social distancing at Level 2 and 1, we must also at level 2, pause, reflect, and take care of our hearts and minds.

Now is the time for diligent and intelligent self-nurturing. It’s also the time to think of others and reach out, even if remotely, to those in need of support, whether it’s another judge that might be feeling the stress of it all, a far-flung family member, a friend who has lost a job, or that retired judge. An email, an old-fashioned letter — anything can help.

This month, the members’ section is very full of helpful posts. From webinars on how to run zoom meetings, to movies to watch at home. You’ll find analysis of of the RBNZ financial stability report through to travel advice and home journeying. This month in our Te mohio ki a koe, we get to know a little more about Dame Susan Glazebrook. Enjoy.

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