After a long period of stability, interest rates are back in the news following recent hikes to the Official Cash Rate. In this issue you can find out what our economics team think about the likely trajectory for interest rates, and what this could mean for the wider economy. We also review their impact on investment markets along with the war in Ukraine and other events, in our Market Update.
While you may not have heard of our Private Client Services team, you’ll certainly have benefited from their work. They make sure all your everyday banking needs are looked after. Continuing our series looking at what happens behind the scenes at ANZ Private, we talk to the team’s National Manager, Abheek Ghandi, about what the team does and how you can get the best from your everyday banking.
We know that for many ANZ Private clients, giving something back to their communities is a major focus. In this issue we take a look at how to achieve the maximum impact from your charitable giving