Feel Good with Flowers and the NZ Paeony Society have teamed up to create their new campaign Peonies with a Purpose. This campaign involves the donation of funds from each purchase of a bouquet of peonies, from participating retailers, going to the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.
From each bouquet, $1 will be donated towards funding mental health services for those who need it. This year, due to COVID-19, has been especially challenging for many, and funds raised will go towards helping the 437,000-plus Kiwis who access the Mental Health Foundations’s services.
“The impact on the Mental Health Foundation has been like a seesaw — need has gone up and fundraising has gone down. We have worked extremely hard producing 19 additional resources relating to COVID-19 especially those in distress, and we have supported a national wellbeing campaign. At the same time, lockdown has reduced our ability to raise funds through events, so we are extremely grateful for those in the community who continue to find ways to give,” says Shaun Robinson, chief executive of Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.
To learn more, and to find out where to order a bouquet of peonies for yourself, or for a loved one, visit feelgoodwithflowers.co.nz/peonies