When was the last time you sat down and not only set some goals, but mapped out the best way to ensure they are achieved? Goal modelling is more than just financial planning — it’s a roadmap to achieving what truly matters to you. It’s getting answers on what you could be achieving in life, and the best way to get there.
Lifetime’s 2024 year-end update: Key reminders and festive wishes
The great wealth transfer — why conversations about money matter
The value of financial planning and a reminder of the financial planning service for the Judiciary from Lifetime
AIA MyCare
AIA’s MyCare (previously known as Best Doctors) is an additional benefit to the AIA Judiciary Insurance Scheme and there is no cost to the members. It has been a year since I last talked about MyCare in the JANZ newsletter, so I thought it was time to remind you all of this wonderful service and its benefits to you and your family.
Unlocking Financial Harmony: Navigating the Symphony of Life with Mindfulness
From first dates to financial goals: Money tips for relationships
9 Financial Habits of Successful People
Staying scam smart – navigating the digital world
As our lives become increasingly online, it is more important than ever to be vigilant when it comes to scams. As scammers become more sophisticated, the harder a scam will be to pinpoint. So, what does a scam look like? Scams can come in all shapes and sizes, but their aim is to blend into their surroundings well enough to eventually catch you out when your guard is down or in a moment of confusion.
AMP replaces Nikko Asset management NZ
AMP Wealth Management New Zealand Limited (AMP) is constantly looking at ways to add value and optimise investment options for members. It is important to them that they deliver on their proposition to their clients, which includes fund performance, fund options, all whilst being fee conscious. As such, AMP regularly reviews its third-party managers to ensure that they continue to deliver good outcomes and value for money for their members.
Finding Your Financial Ikigai: The Japanese Art of a Balanced & Purposeful Life
In a world that often measures success in financial terms, the Japanese concept of Ikigai offers a refreshing perspective. Transcending the boundaries of culture and geography, this philosophy loosely translates as "a reason for being." Ikigai is a convergence of what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. It's an approach that represents a broader view of prosperity, encompassing joy, purpose, and contentment. As financial advisers, we find this particularly compelling. This article delves deeper into how Ikigai can not only enrich your life but also inform your financial decisions for a more fulfilling journey.
The year's highlights: Lifetime and JANZ
AIA MyCare (formerly Best Doctors)
Facing a cash crunch? Let's go back to the drawing board...
Looking at getting started with property investment? What should you do first?
The value of financial planning and introducing a new service from Lifetime
Lifetime: 2023 Financial Planning Services
Lifetime: Financial planning can transform your life
Giving people the freedom to pursue the joys of life, without financial concerns, is what financial planning is all about. Its broad-based advice calibrated to each person's hopes, fears, preferences, and dreams. Its success lies in enhancing someone's quality of life and accelerating their financial independence. Financial planning is never just a discussion about money; it's about what the money is meant to provide, and how and when it's to be used.