A Mediterranean-style lifestyle offers health benefits even if you’re stuck in Britain.
How to stay fit over 60: nine changes to make now
Churchill did it, I do it, give it a try! Power napping. Here’s how to do it right
Don't be a pain in your neck: three ways to release head and neck tension
Mark Sainsbury and men’s health: Why do many Kiwi men treat their cars better than themselves?
Hearing loss, and why you should get your ears checked
After nearly 30 years of happy marriage I regret to report that my wife, Katherine, has started mumbling. She, on the other hand, is convinced that the fault lies with me, and that I have joined the hard-of-hearing club — those of us that live with some degree of significant hearing loss. And, as ever, Katherine is probably right.
Six great exercises for beginners (and lapsed gym-goers)
Exploring the wellbeing of Caribbean judicial officers
Are judges gait keepers?
Six things to do when you're feeling disappointed
Aching knees, dodgy ankles, or painful feet? Here's what to do.
New Zealand Judges Hip Hop!
Mobility Mornings
My new year resolution 2023: just say "no"
Fortified by the gentle art of saying ‘No’ we may then confidently say, ‘yes’, to navigating justice, ‘yes’ to hearing the unheard, ‘yes’ to the wisdom of a considered and durable judgement and ‘yes’ to meaningful judicial service to our communities. Most importantly ‘yes’ to our children and partners by having the time and energy to be fully present in their lives for the things that really matter.
You know your teeth, now get to know your spine
How much education do we receive about our spines when measured against our teeth. Even our hair receives more teaching and attention than our spines do on a daily basis. Our teeth and our hair can be replaced, the first by dentures the second by a wig, on which judges are expert. Our spines are irreplaceable and in most physiotherapist’s opinions, a poor cousin to the teeth in messaging.
JANZ's morning mobility routine
Of all the training I do, my morning mobility routine has probably added the greatest value as I get older. As a young man, it was an aspect of my physical health I largely ignored. And as someone who has always been active, regularly exercising, playing every sport under the sun and being a trainer by profession, I have been fortunate that my lifestyle has kept me incredibly fit.
How to fix your back: the latest science on spinal health
How to lose weight: 7 ways to drop pounds and keep them off
Do you hate running but still want to blast the fat? Go rucking
Taking the heartache out of headache
Headaches are a headache for not only those who suffer them, but also for the medical profession as a whole. The primary reason is because there is so much complexity surrounding the nomenclature let alone the pathology, so let us try and make things simple and understandable, knowledge being empowering.