The subject of the 4th study Commission this year was the impact on judicial independence of the judicial workplace, including nominations and appointments, governance, independence in decision making, assignments fund and other resources.
ANAO Statement on Kiribati
General Report of the First Study Commission of the International Association of Judges (“IAJ”) – 2022 “DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS AND JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE”
IAJ Resolution on Tunisia
IAJ Resolution on the Killing of Judges in Yemen
IAJ Resolution on Guatemala
Congratulations to the International Association of Women Judges
On the 20th of September, DLA Piper announced the recipient of the firm’s inaugural DLA Piper Pro Bono LeadHer Award was the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) Afghan Support Committee, so very well lead by our very own Susan Glazebrook. Presented at the firm’s Global Women’s Leadership Summit in Chicago, the award recognises the committee for its extraordinary efforts on behalf of female judges fleeing Afghanistan.
Preliminary report: Disciplinary proceedings and judicial indepedence
Report on the 2022 activities of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
The meeting took place by video conference. There are 355 participants and 40 Observers. The documents can be reached by the website.
Report of the IAJ Secretary-General Giacomo Oberto to the IAJ Central Council Tel Aviv (Israel)
The IAJ Secretariat-General has been constantly active in dealing with the ordinary exchange of mails, letters and WhatsApp messages with the Presidency Committee, the four Regional Groups, the four Study Commissions and Member Associations. Some meetings were held among the members of the Secretariat-General, in order to organize the work and plan IAJ future activities and initiatives.
Report of IA working party on assistance to judges
At the 2019 annual meeting in Kazakhstan, the IAJ agreed to set up a working party (WP) to explore the practicalities of establishing a mechanism for the IAJ to give assistance to judges who are facing prosecution, disciplinary proceedings or other measures that could undermine judicial independence and integrity contrary to the principles in the IAJ’s Universal Charter of the Judge adopted 2017 Santiago Chile.