our regional group of the IAJ, the held its AGM. As you can see from the map our 11 countries cover a vast spread of the planet including Asia, North America, and Oceania. Although covering such a diverse community of judges there is much we find in common and much more to learn from each other.
The 2021 CourtFutures survey: top trends to watch
The Times: Burnt out and bullied in the law
The situation in Afghanistan
You can help by making a donation, however small, to the emergency fund for Afghan Women Judges through NZAWJ. This fund will be managed together with IAWJ, with Susan Glazebrook as president, to help those who are evacuated and those who remain. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated already. Please continue to pass this on to brother and sister judges and lawyers who wish to help.
Introducing NZAWJ's new website
ANAO meeting report: 30 August 2021
He who pays the piper calls the tune
The labrador providing judicial support to crime victims
Constitutional crisis in Samoa
Whistleblowing policy ‘gags judges’
Non-white judges ‘do not feel welcome on the bench’
Judges face ‘bullying on an industrial scale’
Judges join union to deal with a range of grievances on bullying, racism and concerns over court safety
CLA, CLEA and CMJA statement on the rule of law in Samoa
Samoa’s constitutional crisis: Undermining rule of law
Written by Fiona Ey. While the global community struggles to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, Samoa is embroiled in a constitutional crisis. The South Pacific nation is frequently lauded for its good governance and regional leadership. The current crisis, however, has exposed fault lines around race and identity that could significantly undermine Samoa’s democratic institutions and future development.
The judiciary in the news: April 2021
President of the UK Supreme Court on the list of “non-permanent” overseas judges
British judges on Hong Kong’s top court could withdraw in protest at Beijing’s latest crackdown, senior figures have warned. Lord Reed, president of the UK Supreme Court and one of ten British judges on the Hong Kong bench, has indicated to The Times that a decision will be made soon.
Official statement of the IAWJ on the killings of women judges in Afghanistan
The Good Lawyer: Shirt On Your Back project
Shirt On Your Back is an initiative to provide shirts to people held in custody for jury trials, or where the media will be present in court. The aim is to minimise prejudice based on their appearance and to give defendants the ability to dress appropriately for court so they can meaningfully participate in the process. Learn more.