Please find here enclosed a letter from the Board of the Provident Fund.
IAJ update: proposal of amendments to Statutes
Read IAJ's latest newsletter
IAJ: second study commission 2021
IAJ: fourth study commission
Colleague's message from a Turkish prison
IAJ report on UNCITRAL meeting
Public prosecutors in a pandemic
UNESCO offering online course on artificial intelligence and the rule of law
Building upon UNESCO's training of over 17,000 Judges in more than 60 countries through courses on freedom of expression, access to information, and safety of journalists, UNESCO, in cooperation with several global partners, is developing a global online course in seven languages on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Rule of Law.
IAJ monitoring resumes in 2021
Communiqué of the IAJ Secretariat-General, November 2020
On November 13th, 2020, a meeting of the IAJ Presidency Committee took place by video link. After consultations with the IAJ Presidency Committee, the Secretary-General has decided to issue the following communiqué in order to inform all member associations about the decisions adopted on that occasion.
IAJ statement on the International Criminal Court
Read the IAJ’s response to the 5 March 2020 decision by the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Appeals Chamber, which authorised a probe of alleged war crimes in Afghanistan committed by all sides in the conflict, including American forces, the US administration announced it was launching an economic and legal offensive against the court.
Handbook on EU Civil Law
Proposal of amendment of the IAJ constitution and regulations
The IAJ Secretariat-General received by President Tony Pagone a proposal for amendment of the constitution and regulations of the International Association of Judges (IAJ). The amendments apply to cases when force majeure or other events prevent the regular running of IAJ‘s activities. See the amendments.
National Union of Judges of Gabon report
In view of the next IAJ annual meeting, which will be probably be held in September 2021 in Costa Rica, for your information and evaluation, please find [below] the report concerning the application for membership of the National Union of Judges of Gabon (SYNAMAG) to the IAJ, which has been favourably evaluated by the members of the Presidency Committee.